Professional ​
I highly value humanitarian-driven work and public service. I champion diversity, inclusion, social justice, and equality: all are essential to that work.
I'm currently the CRM Manager with University Marcom Group, University Relations at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. From 2014 to 2019, I served as Executive Director of The Studio Potter, an independent non-profit organization, and Editor of its highly respected and long-running ceramics journal, Studio Potter. I hold a master's degree from the State University of New York, New Paltz, New York, U.S.A.
Please contact me for a copy of my full curriculum vitae.
CRM Manager, University of Massachusetts Amherst
​2021 – present
As a part of the Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) team of University Marcom Group, a division of University Relations, I manage a campus-wide communications centralization project involving the implementation of Salesforce and Marketing Cloud platforms across campus. With my team, I lead the development and adoption of digital communications best practices that foster strong relationships not only between UMass and its constituents, but also among them.
Project Manager, University of Massachusetts Amherst
​2019 – 2021
I managed a large-scale, multi-team, data migration project involving Moodle LMS, in the Enterprise Systems and Development division of Information Technology. I assisted other enterprise technology teams, such as those working on Marketing Cloud communications and Salesforce data.
CRM Consultant & Platform Engineer, Project Art 01026
​2020 – 2021
Provided marketing and communications consulting, and platform development for the successful launch and administration of an online ceramics teaching studio, produced by Project Art 01026.
Executive Director, The Studio Potter
Editor, Studio Potter Journal
​2014 – 2019
During my time at The Studio Potter, I wore many hats: writer, editor, project manager, communicator, fundraiser, and executive. Publishing responsibilities included formulating and adhering to budgets, hiring contractors, coordinating schedules, and more, toward the production of 10 issues of the 80-page print journal. I oversaw the development and implementation a new website, which required a major archive digitization project and later the launch of a digital publishing platform. I also cultivated donor relationships that resulted in establishing programs, such as the annual Grants for Apprenticeship program, which provided tens of thousands of dollars to early-career ceramic artists.
Freelance Artist
​2004 – 2017
Early on, I worked as an independent potter, refining my craft through internships and apprenticeships. Later, I focused on ceramic sculpture as my main means of expression and material exploration, completing several residencies, domestic and international, and maintaining an active exhibition schedule. I gravitated back to pottery production during my tenure at The Studio Potter. I am currently on hiatus from active studio work, but maintain an Etsy shop.
Adjunct Professor – Art, Ceramics
State University of New York, New Paltz, New York
I was the instructor of record for several 300- to 500-level ceramics courses, including wheel throwing, production design, and material studies.
Software Skills
+Marketing Cloud
+MailChimp, Hubspot, etc.
Enterprise Management
+Acrobat Pro/DC
+Other Peoples Pixels
Microsoft 365
Google suite applications
Master of Fine Arts
State University of New York (SUNY) New Paltz
"The [graduate ceramics] program cultivates the conceptual, technical, and professional growth of its graduate students by providing an environment balanced among pragmatic skill development, critical and theoretical dialogue, and intensive studio research geared toward a process of making and thinking, resulting in innovative and dynamic outcomes."
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Southeast Missouri State University
"The ceramics area is committed to enabling students to produce a highly individualized body of work, whether it is through the creation of a functional vessel, a ceramic sculpture, or an interdisciplinary approach to the material."